What are vitamins? Write various kinds of vitamins.

People require trace amounts of organic substances called vitamins. The body either does not make vitamins or generates very little of them. Therefore, the majority of our vitamins must come from the diet. The needs for vitamins vary depending on the organism. For instance, although dogs can manufacture all the vitamin C they require, humans must obtain it from their food. Vitamin D is not present in sufficient amounts in the diet of humans. The best source of vitamin D is sunshine exposure, which the body uses to manufacture the vitamin. A person needs more natural ingredients supplements to keep healthy because they each have various functions in the body. This article explains what vitamins are, what they do, and which foods are good sources. Follow for more information about each vitamin. What are vitamins? Vitamins are organic compounds that are barely detectable in natural meals. A vitamin deficiency may raise the likelihood of acquiring specific health problems. Since...